How Long Do Dental Implants Last? - World Drive Dentistry
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How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

how long do dental implants last

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

A dental implant, by definition, is meant to remain in the mouth for the rest of the patient’s life. Even after ten years, dental implants have a success rate of 90–95 percent, according to reliable studies.

However, a dental implant can fail several months or years after it has been placed. It could be due to a variety of factors. So you should know when you need dental implants.

In this article, we answer the following questions:

  • How long do dental implants last?
  • What types of dental implants are there?
  • What are mini dental implants?
  • Why and when do they fail?
  • How do I deal with a defective dental implant?

Longevity of Dental Implants

Implants in the mouth are designed to last a lifetime. They prevent movement because they integrate directly with the jawbone.

If an implant successfully undergoes osseointegration, its material will bond with the surrounding bone. As a result, the implant can support a replacement tooth just like a natural root.

Wear and tear may eventually require the crown over the implant to be replaced, even though the implant is meant to last a lifetime. However, you can follow some tips to keep your dental implants healthy for long time. Approximately 50–80% of crowns need to be replaced after 15–20 years.

Types of Dental Implants


Endosteal implants

The most typical dental implant type is an endosteal implant, which resembles a little screw or cylinder. Titanium is the most commonly used material for dental implants, although ceramic can also be used.

These implants are typically placed in your jawbone directly throughout two steps. During the procedure, you will be given an anesthetic so you won’t experience any pain.

A screw or cylinder is integrated into the jawbone’s structure to provide support. One or more crowns can be placed on this kind of implant.

Subperiosteal implants

Subperiosteal implants feature a metal structure securely fastened to the jawbone but hidden by the gums. 

The placement of an implant involves several steps. Metal stakes are required and can be seen sticking out through the metal frame above the gum line. 

Subperiosteal implants are inserted under anesthetic, the same as endosteal implants. The surgery takes a long time, has a low success rate, and may leave surgical scars behind.

Dentists can put crowns on the metal implant frame during a follow-up visit. These are attached to the small parts of your gums that stick out.

Transosteal implants

Most dentists don’t recommend these implants, which can only be put in the lower jawbone, because the surgery is complicated and takes a long time. 

In this procedure, screws are used to attach a metal plate to the bottom of the jawbone. Under the chin, a cut is made to fix the plate with screws and posts on top, which is where the fake teeth will go. 

These implants are not cheap because they have to be made to fit the width and height of the jawbone. As a result, the implant can provide the person with the correct amount of support.

Mini Dental Implants

When conventional dental implants aren’t an option, mini implants provide a viable alternative.

They function the same way as standard implants but are noticeably more compact. Despite their novelty in the dentistry market, they have quickly gained popularity due to their many advantages.

Mini implants have two pieces: a titanium post with a ball at either end and a rubber “O” shaped ring that fits over the tooth and into the socket post. They have a single-piece screw smaller than 3 millimeters (mm) in diameter or slightly more than 1/10 inch.

There will always be concerns regarding the benefits and drawbacks of any operation, especially while it’s still relatively new, and mini dental implants are no exception.

People who aren’t candidates for standard dental implants may benefit from mini dental implants. However, some people who have lost teeth may not be able to benefit from them.

Longevity of Mini Dental Implants

One problem with mini dental implants is that they are small. Because of this, they can only handle a certain amount of force. Because of this, mini implants don’t last as long.

Patients should expect their mini dental implants to last between 6 and 9 years. In comparison, regular implants should last at least 15 years and often much longer if adequately cared for. 

Just like regular implants, mini implants can fail before this period. Usually, this occurs because they weren’t cleaned properly or due to a health issue.

mini dental implants

Signs of a Dental Implant Failure

  • Severe pain and discomfort: If a dental implant fails, you will feel waves of excruciating pain and discomfort. This pain lasts for a long time after the surgery. Before it’s too late, you should see your dentist if you have any of these symptoms.


  • Gum recession: Poorly placed implants and bad gum and bone tissue to hold the implant are the two leading causes of gum recession around the implant. The first sign will be an implant crown that is too long. The next step is painful swelling around the implant.


  • Difficulty chewing: While eating, talking, or biting down on something, you should never feel strange. When you have pain from a dental implant, that is not a good sign. Implants are made to look, feel, and work just like natural teeth.


  • Implants shift or become loose: If the implant doesn’t sit right on your gums, it will move when you talk, eat, or touch it. A failed implant will have this obvious sign. If you find a loose and moving dental implant, call your dentist right away to set up an appointment.


  • Swollen gums: You have an infection if your gums are very red and swollen. If you don’t get this infection treated, it can spread to other parts of your mouth or, in the worst cases, to your blood.


  • Implant micro-movements: If your jaw bone isn’t strong enough, the dental implant surgery can put too much stress on it, which can cause the implant to fail. By getting an x-ray, you can see if your implant is moving very slightly.


  • Allergic reactions: Some people are allergic to titanium alloy, which is what dental implants are made of. If you have a sudden allergic reaction to your dental implant, your body rejects it. Some signs of an allergic reaction are a loss of taste, swelling around the gums, and a tingling feeling.

Factors That Affect Dental Implant Failure



Smoking is not only bad for your overall health, but it’s also bad for your teeth. Because of this, it can also make your dental implants less likely to work.

First, smoking slows down the body’s natural healing, making it more likely to get an infection after an implant. Smoking also narrows your blood vessels, which can cause excessive bleeding during and after surgery.

Because smoking makes it harder to put in dental implants, many implant specialists will ask you to quit for a certain amount of time before your surgery.

Bone Mass

For dental implants to be effective, your jaw’s amount of healthy bone must be adequate to allow osseointegration.

After tooth loss, the jawbone gradually deteriorates. As a result, if you go without teeth for a long time, your jaw will have less bone mass.

Dental implants can still be implanted in people with low bone mass. However, they may require additional operations like a bone graft. Bone grafting is a surgical operation whereby bone tissue is transplanted into an area with a poor bone structure to stimulate the creation of new bone in that region.

Bone grafting may be necessary before dental implants may be placed, but only a professional can tell for sure.

Oral Care and Maintenance

Taking care of your teeth and gums is imperative when getting dental implants. Even though dental implants are fake teeth, you still need to take care of them.

Keeping dental implants clean is the same as keeping natural teeth clean. So, you’ll need to brush your teeth twice a day, floss once daily, and use mouthwash. These habits control how much plaque and bacteria are in your mouth, which keeps you from getting infections and makes your implant more likely to work.

On the other hand, if you don’t take care of your mouth, your implant could get infected and fail. You can get plaque buildup and gum disease, which may or may not be treatable depending on certain factors.

Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth all the time can cause your teeth to wear down too much, crack or break, become misaligned, cause severe jaw pain, TMJ disease, an abnormal bite, and even cause you to lose teeth. 

The dentin underneath is revealed as the enamel on the tooth’s surface wears away. Your teeth may become sensitive to heat and cold as a result. Because of repeated grinding motions or trauma, the implant can move very slightly, which may prevent osseointegration.

Medical Conditions and Treatments

Dental implant failure has been linked to some health problems, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Weakened immune system
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Diabetes

If you’re also going through medical treatments, it may affect the longevity and effectiveness of your dental implants. Some of these treatments are:

  • Radiation therapy
  • Blood-thinning medications
  • Immunosuppressive drugs


Patients over 65 may have a higher failure rate for dental implants. They may also suffer from undiagnosed medical conditions or bone conditions. Healing may also take longer in people of advanced age, so this needs to be considered.

Incompetent Surgeons

Dental implant surgery is not a quick or easy procedure. Inability to appropriately identify dental issues may result in incisions being made in the incorrect location or the implant failing to integrate with the bone.

Inexperience can also lead to errors such as providing faulty imaging for the production of the crown portion of the implant, fitting the crowns in the incorrect order, making unneeded incisions, or exposing the patient to issues such as infection.

Find the right surgeons for you at World Drive Dentistry. They have the proper training and experience to do dental implant surgery and care for patients of the highest quality afterward.

Treating a Failed Dental Implant

Implants can fail due to peri-implantitis, an infection of the gums. Treatment may consist of cleaning the implant and teaching the patient how to maintain it.

You may need a bone graft if the bone around the implant is broken or stressed. Dental implants can only be put where there is enough bone density in the jawbone. A bone graft will be used to fix an implant that failed because of bone loss or damage in the jaw.

There are other potential treatment options if you choose not to replace or are unable to replace a failed implant. Dental bridges and dentures are examples of these.


Implants in the mouth are meant to be long-term solutions. Implants connect to surrounding bone due to their interaction with the jawbone and osseointegration. 

However, dental implants can be unsuccessful in certain patients. To remedy this, there are additional therapeutic choices available. If you notice any warning indications of implant failure, visit your dentist or periodontist at World Drive Dentistry today.

Taranjit Chowdhary